You Know You’re Old Enough for Colon Cancer Screening When….

Mar 13, 2012 3:00 PM ET

Much of the discussion about colorectal cancer screening over the past several years has focused on which test is best. Some experts conclude: the best screening test for you is the one you get. In other words, despite all the potential choices, not enough people are being screened; about six in ten in the latest surveys.

As March approached (March is colorectal cancer awareness month), our folks were looking for new ways to make people aware of the importance of screening. With help from our colleagues in the New York/New Jersey offices, the American Cancer Society’s social media folks came up with a fun way to spread the word, using Facebook. For those of you who are not Facebook addicts, Facebook’s “tag” feature allows users to “tag,” or label, uploaded photos with a friend’s name. That sends an alert message to the friend you’ve tagged, and the photo shows up on their Wall.

And they came up with some pretty clever graphics that they’re encouraging people to tag in an effort to remind friends 50 and over to get screened, under a promotion called “Tag2Nag.”

To see the images and tag your friends 50 and over, visit the American Cancer Society on Facebook and look for the Tag2Nag tab. Here’s a direct link to all the images.