Lee® Jeans Launches 2014 Cause Campaign, Selects Three Breast Cancer Survivors as Ambassadors with the American Cancer Society®
Lee National Denim Day® has raised millions for breast cancer programs and research, and three ambassadors will help lead this year’s campaign

July 8, 2014 /3BL Media/ - Three courageous breast cancer survivors are Lee Jeans’ 2014 Lee National Denim Day ambassadors, leading a campaign to raise millions of dollars to fight breast cancer. The three women will join Lee on Friday, October 3, to urge millions of people nationwide to put on their jeans and donate $5 or more for the American Cancer Society’s life-saving breast cancer programs and research.
The 2014 ambassadors are Beth Borden-Goodman of Atlanta, Laura Renegar of Charlotte, North Carolina, and Catherine Aplin of Macon, Georgia. Borden-Goodman, who “lives life in some shade of pink,” describes herself as a six-year breast cancer “SurThriver.” Renegar, a three-year breast cancer survivor who lost her mother to the disease, is a Reach To Recovery coordinator in her hometown helping newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. Aplin, who was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer when she was 21, is now six years cancer free and the mother of a five-month-old baby girl. All three of these strong women are passionate about fighting breast cancer and ensuring that breast cancer patients and survivors are not alone.
Borden-Goodman, a certified personal life coach, Zumba fitness instructor and ambassador for the Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, says, “I am an advocate for survivorship. I strongly stand on the fact that breast cancer awareness isn’t just a month. Breast cancer awareness (and survivorship) is EVERY DAY I’M ALIVE.”
Says Renegar, a seven-year volunteer with the American Cancer Society and leader of the No. 1 fundraising Making Strides Against Breast Cancer team in Mecklenburg County, N.C. ,“Keep your chin up when you are in treatment, open yourself up and allow people to help you, talk to survivors and allow them to support you through your treatments and surgeries. After you feel better, then return the favor and reach out to newly diagnosed women and walk with them. Not only will you be helping someone else, but you will find that in giving back you are helping yourself continuously recover.”
Aplin, who was not only diagnosed with late-stage breast cancer when she was a college senior and also diagnosed with the aggressive BRCA2 gene, adds, “I have learned that there lives a brave, strong-willed person that is in the depth of soul and provides me with strength that I have never had before. I can deal with almost anything that is thrown my way. I have developed a free spirit. I laugh a lot. When disaster strikes, I laugh!”
For the third consecutive year, the beneficiary of Lee National Denim Day is the American Cancer Society®, the largest voluntary health organization in the United States and the leader in the fight to end breast cancer – and all cancers. The Society works to create a world without breast cancer by combining relentless passion with the wisdom of a century of experience in saving lives by helping people stay well and get well, by finding cures and by fighting back. The American Cancer Society currently has $84 million invested in breast cancer research grants.
Net proceeds raised from Lee National Denim Day will benefit the Society’s community-based programs, including lifesaving screenings and a free place to stay when breast cancer patients and their caregivers have to travel away from home for treatment. Proceeds will also help fund the American Cancer Society’s national research grants ongoing work to find new ways to find, prevent and treat breast cancer. The organization has contributed to nearly every cancer breakthrough in recent history. Their funded researchers have helped develop the drugs to treat advanced breast cancer and have shown that mammograms are the most effective form of detection.
“The courage and passion of our three ambassadors this year inspire us to do all we can in the fight against breast cancer and the quest to make breast cancer a thing of the past,” says Liz Cahill, VP Marketing for Lee. “Lee National Denim day is committed to improving the everyday lives of those with breast cancer – past, present and future. We are very proud to partner with the American Cancer Society for the third year in row and to raise millions more dollars toward our mutual goal of helping women affected by breast cancer and empowering them to survive and thrive.”
Starting today, groups and individuals can donate and sign up as a team by visiting denimday.com or by calling 1-800-521-5533. To learn more about Lee National Denim Day’s beneficiary, the American Cancer Society, visit cancer.org.