Wynn Resorts Reaches Out to Diverse Communities

Wynn Resorts’ (NASDAQ: WYNN) commitment to diversity is among the strongest of any gaming company in the U.S. We are a company that recognizes that cultural diversity goes beyond language, ethnicity, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, range of ability and age. We believe in the broad spectrum of human experience. We believe that amazing things happen when people from different world views work with each other toward a common goal.
Thousands of workers representing various races and cultures make up our Wynn family. In addition to offering classes in citizenship and English as a second language, Wynn prides itself on a strong history of supporting minority, women and veteran-owned businesses (MWVBE) and leads the industry with its average weekly spend of $635,000 with MWVBEs that supply our Las Vegas resorts with goods and services. In Massachusetts, we have committed to dynamic minority hiring and subcontractor goals in the construction of our $1.7 billion Wynn resort in Everett.
Just as important, Wynn Resorts regularly promotes and embraces the diverse heritages that enrich our work environment— including company-wide celebrations of cultural holidays and festivals that include representative food, music and traditions. Together, we learn from each other and sustain a workplace that’s fully inclusive, respectful and supportive of all.
To read more about Wynn Resorts' commitment to vibrant communities, please visit our Social Responsibility Report.