Working for the Future of Forests
By Dan Persica, Senior Manager, Sustainability Communications, Domtar

Originally posted on The Frog Business Blog
Much of the world is under the misconception that paper is a wasteful, environmentally irresponsible product. But the opposite is true.
Forest products, like paper, come from a renewable resource – trees. The key is for the owners of those trees to manage their land responsibly, ensuring these forests remain forests for years to come. That way, the benefits they provide – cleaner air, greater biodiversity and raw material for many of the products we use every day, can continue on indefinitely.
Domtar’s 2017 Sustainability Report details the company’s endeavor to take a longer term view of creating and preserving value for our shareholders, customers, employees and communities. For more inspiring stories about Domtar's sustainability efforts, visit the Domtar Newsroom. To view the full 2017 Sustainability Report click here.