What the Biden Administration Could Mean for the Chemical Industry
A 2020 TSCA Update

What the Biden Administration Could Mean for the Chemical Industry
In November, former vice president Joe Biden emerged as the winner of the presidential election. Similar to previous administration transitions, the Chemical Industry will stand ready to engage with bipartisan leaders in Congress to help drive constructive solutions for a more sustainable future that will better serve all Americans.
The Chemical Industry will undoubtedly share President-elect Biden’s commitment to a clean environment, a healthy workforce and sustainable manufacturing practices. After all, the US chemical industry is five times safer than the general manufacturing sector, and has reduced emissions of air pollutants by 50 percent since 2001.
“The Chemical Industry in the USA will continue to collaborate internally, and with Washington, to explore options that better serve customers and end-use markets while protecting public health and the environment," says Vince Malone, Senior Consultant and Chemical Segment Leader at Antea Group USA. "Safety, Quality and Environmental Stewardship are core principles that drive product development and innovation among chemical manufacturers.”
TSCA Update
The Toxic Substances Control Act is a United States law, passed by the United States Congress in 1976 and administered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, that regulates the introduction of new or already existing chemicals. On June 22, 2016, President Obama signed the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, which made updates to the Toxic Substances Control Act, most notably, requiring the EPA to conduct formal reviews of new and existing chemical substances in commerce and determine whether a substance presents an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment under the conditions of use.
So, what’s new for the year ahead, and how does it impact your business? Read Full Blog Post HERE on Antea Group's Blog.
About Antea Group
Antea Group is an international engineering and environmental consulting firm specializing in full-service solutions in the fields of environment, health and safety, infrastructure, urban planning, and water. By combining strategic thinking and multidisciplinary perspectives with technical expertise and pragmatic action, we do more than effectively solve client challenges; we deliver sustainable results for a better future. With more than 3,200 employees in over 90 offices around the world, we serve clients ranging from global energy companies and manufacturers to national governments and local municipalities. Antea Group is a founding member of Inogen Alliance, a global network of independent consulting companies that are together by choice to collaborate around the world on EHS projects for a consistent client experience. Learn more at https://us.anteagroup.com.