Vistra Leading in Climate Advocacy Efforts

Vistra takes a leadership role in advocacy efforts, supporting public policy initiatives that will advance the country’s progress toward lowering GHG emissions. Specifically, Vistra is a founding member of the Climate Leadership Council and its advocacy arm, Americans for Carbon Dividends. Vistra actively supports the CLC’s framework of a consistently applied national carbon fee and dividend approach with a border tax adjustment as the ideal public policy solution to appropriately incentivize investments in carbon-free and carbon-reducing technologies. The CLC has estimated that if its plan were to be implemented in 2021, it would cut U.S. CO2 emissions in half by 2035 (as compared to 2005) and far exceed the U.S. Paris commitment.
See how Vistra is lighting up people’s lives, powering a better way forward in our full 2020 Sustainability Report.