Social Media, Sustainability and Transparency - By David Connor

David has spent nearly ten years immersed in trying to learn, motivate, inspire and deliver CSR, Corporate Citizenship, Ethical Business, and plain old good management. David writes exclusively for his blog, David Coethica, and manages his consultancy bus
Feb 2, 2011 8:03 AM ET
Campaign: 3BL Blogs

Social Media, Sustainability and Transparency

Two posts in less than a week? I must officially be an insomniac.

Tonight’s excuse is that I’m waiting for my laptop to painfully slowly back-up before setting off to Paris to take part in Societe Generale’s Citizen Act finale.

I was invited to take part in today’s Guardian’s Sustainable Business live online Q&A on ‘Using social media to communicate sustainability’.

If nothing else I’d head over that way to look at some authoritative responses from Lucy Warin (Futerra Communications) and Diana Verde Nieto (ex Clownfish Group CEO).

I really liked one particular quote from Diana (below) comparing sustainability and the digital space.

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