SEE Designs Plastic out of Food Packaging With Paper-Based Bottom Web

Originally published by Packaging Europe.
SEE (formerly Sealed Air) has revealed a paper-based bottom web designed to help food processors and retailers cut down on their plastic usage and meet consumer demand for paper-based packaging.
Made with 90% FSC-certified fibres, the new CRYOVAC brand Barrier Formable Paper is said to reduce plastic by 77% in bottom web packaging in comparison to a PET/PE bottom web. It is compatible with both Vacuum Skin Packaging (VSP) and Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) top webs, SEE claims, as well as the CRYOVAC brand Darfresh vacuum skin films to secure products in place and prevent movement inside the pack.
Where local recycling services are available, the bottom web is also recyclable with paper in line with Aticelca 501 UNI 11743 pass levels.