The Secret Ingredient for a Great Cup of Coffee: Hint, It's Not What You Think

Originally published by Huffington Post
There are definitely some myths out there about sustainable products, and to be blunt, how good they are. Some people wonder whether something so focused on its mission can look great, taste great, feel great. (Apparently locally-grown wheat grass smoothies, raw yeast balls and sandpaper hemp pants don't float everyone's boat.) As it turns out, in the coffee world, sustainability not only goes hand-in-hand with quality, they're integrally linked. And Fair Trade has become an important vehicle for helping farmers improve crop quality and build strong relationships with quality-forward buyers. In fact, today nearly 100% of Fair Trade Certified coffees are specialty grade.
Sorry to turn your world upside down, but it's true: sustainable practices and thriving farmers are the secret ingredients to your mind-blowingly delicious cup of joe. Here are a few reasons why:
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