Return on Donations: How HEROES Care is Helping Military Families & Veterans
Throughout 2014, military support network HEROES Care has spent contributions making major strides for military personnel and their families

As proud supporters of HEROES Care since 2013, we were incredibly touched to get the following update from the organization's Vice President Dave Woolley. Read below for just a few of the important measures HEROES Care has undertaken this year to help military men and women and their families, and then check out our corporate blog for more on our involvement with this impressive charity and others.
In desperation, a Vietnam Veteran, contacted us. Through a series of circumstances involving the financial needs of his adult children and his personal sacrifice to put their needs ahead of his own, he was six months behind in his rent and had a past due utility bill of $290. Our case manager was able to negotiate with his landlord to forgive half of the past-due balance of $2800. We paid the resulting total of $1690 on his behalf to stabilize the financial situation of this decorated combat Veteran.
A young OIF Veteran in Chicago, Illinois, was at grave risk. He was living with his family in a very bad neighborhood. There were many problems at home, including drug use by other family members. He had been mugged two times and his glasses had been broken in the most recent attack. He was immediately assigned a hometown caregiver who closely monitored his situation and coordinated local support. His glasses were replaced. Arrangements were made to get him out of the environment and into a long-term support program in San Antonio, Texas. Eight weeks of temporary housing were provided until free permanent housing became available. The ability to quickly and effectively meet the emergency needs of this young man may have literally saved his life.
A homeless Gulf War Veteran contacted us for assistance. We immediately arranged for an extended stay hotel with an efficiency kitchen for himself and his family. Food was made available through one of our local military pantries. Visa gift cards were provided to meet other needs. After seven weeks, he found a job which required relocation. Rental fees for a moving truck were paid. Prepaid gas cards were provided. Volunteers were enlisted to help pack and load his belongings. The day care enrollment fees for his young children were paid. A good example of the value of having a dedicated case manager to provide timely coordinated support with the proper funding to make great goodness possible.
A hard-working, partially disabled post 9/11 Veteran, married with six children, had been struggling for some time. His circumstances finally became too much for him and his family to bear. He swallowed his pride and contacted us for assistance. We were able to bring his past-due utility bill up-to-date, repair his vehicle through one of our trusted facilities, and arrange and fund his relocation from a house trailer in extremely poor condition into a rental home large enough to accommodate his family. An excellent example of how money, properly applied, provided immediate relief and long-term solutions for a very deserving and extremely grateful military family.
A service member had recently returned from deployment. His car would not pass inspection. He contacted us for assistance with a $1500 estimate. We directed him to one of our trusted facilities which repaired the vehicle for $998.98. One of many, many instances where our stewardship has allowed us to ‘stretch’ our donor’s dollars.