Pro Bono Services Continues Creating a Stronger Sense of Purpose Among Employees All Over the World
By André Solórzano, Manager, Data Insights, CECP

As originally featured on CECP’s Insights Blog
The week of October 22nd marked the celebration of Pro Bono Week! CECP wants to reiterate its support to this important employee engagement tool and celebrate its importance for society. The recently released Giving in Numbers: 2017 Edition report evidences the benefits for companies of communicating a clear sense of purpose to their employees. Pro Bono Service programs serve as an important catalyzer in developing a stronger sense of purpose among employees, by letting them apply their particular set of skills into, ideally, causes of their true interest. Giving in Numbers data show that Pro Bono Services volunteering continues to be a crucial program among large corporations.
Pro Bono Service programs were offered to domestic employees by half of companies in 2016 and three out of four companies offered them to their international employees (employees outside of a company’s headquarter country). When analyzing the data in a three-year matched set of companies that provided volunteer offering data in each of the last three years, we observed that the offering of Pro Bono Services is still growing. The Offering of domestic Pro Bono Services continued growing but a slower pace than in previous years of analysis. However, domestic Pro Bono was the second fastest-growing volunteer program (exceeded only by Flexible Scheduling) and continues to be recognized by the world’s largest companies as a critical employee engagement tool.
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