PG&E's Nick Stavropolous Outlines the Comprehensive Steps the Company is Taking to Strengthen its Gas System Operations

PG&E 2011 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report
Sep 25, 2012 1:15 PM ET

PG&E's Nick Stavropolous outlines the comprehensive steps PG&E is taking to str…


Safety has long been a key component of our sustainability strategy at PG&E. In 2011, we redoubled our focus on public and employee safety and have dedicated significant time and resources to assess our overall safety programs and processes.

Our findings have helped to shape new thinking and initiatives as we more deeply ingrain public and employee safety into our operating strategies. This includes putting a governance structure in place that is much clearer and better aligns resources and accountability. Reflecting our enhanced commitment, we have added public and employee safety to PG&E’s formal values statement and created an expanded set of public and employee safety metrics to measure our progress in this critical area.

Click here to watch PG&E Executive Vice President of Gas Operations outline the comprehensive steps PG&E is taking to strengthen its gas system operations (