Perseverence Pays Off in Huehuetenango
Meet Microentrepreneurs in the Highlands of Guatemala
Sep 18, 2017 1:40 PM ET
Whole Planet

Hiball Energy, IZZE, Naked Juice, Papyrus-Recycled Greetings, Reserveage, Seventh Generation, and Surya Brasil met in Guatemala to witness microcredit in action. Together these companies have contributed $1.9 million to Whole Planet Foundation in support of impoverished entrepreneurs like the women pictured here in Huehuetenango.
Thanks to our microfinance partner Friendship Bridge, we were able to spend some time with these microentrepreneurs who raise sheep and farm potatoes to provide income for their families, and understand how life in a rural community can be enhanced by perseverance to pay off one microcredit loan and secure another.
Learn more about daily life in the highlands of Guatemala by watching Living on One Dollar.