Paradigm Shift in Moldova – Implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Dec 14, 2012 2:20 PM ET

Paradigm Shift in Moldova – Implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Per…

A regional roundtable was held in Chisinau, dedicated to identifying and solving the issues of social inclusion of persons with disabilities in Moldova. The conference, entitled “Paradigm Shift in Moldova – Implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,” was organized by the State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova jointly with Keystone Human Services International Moldova Association, the Embassy of France in Moldova and UNICEF country office in Moldova. Previously, similar roundtables were held in the northern and southern regions of the republic.

The purpose of the event was to contribute to the implementation of the UN Convention and, consequently, to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities in Moldova.

The roundtable conference was attended by representatives of local authorities from 14 districts of the country’s central region and the municipality of Chisinau: managers of Directorates / Departments for Social Assistance and Family Protection, Directorates for Education and District Centers for Family Medicine and representatives of  civil society.

The text of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was discussed by the event participants from the viewpoint of local authorities’ commitment and more active involvement in its implementation. They also managed to identify ways of putting the Convention’s provisions into practice and the obstacles faced by local authorities in the process.

The participants were divided into groups that worked in three separate workshops facilitated by Keystone Moldova experts. They discussed the rights of persons with disabilities to live  independently and be  included in the community (Article 19 of the Convention), to access health and human services (Article 20) and to receive an education (Article 24). While discussing the factors that prevent persons with disabilities from exercising these rights, the participants proposed a number of recommendations to improve the conditions for their inclusion in services and the community.

Roundtable organizers hope to encourage the local authorities to develop and implement action plans for putting the Convention’s dispositions into practice.

Keystone Human Services International Moldova Association helps reform the social protection and care system for persons with disabilities to ensure their social inclusion by means of its Community for All – Moldova program which is implemented jointly with MLSPF, with the financial support of Open Society Mental Health Initiative and Soros Foundation – Moldova.