Orange, Black ... and Green? Tips to Make Halloween Less Wasteful

We know Halloween can be a sweet holiday, as well as a frightfully wasteful one with all of the disposable decorations, packaging and costumes that come with the season.
At Keep America Beautiful, we know it doesn't have to be that way!
Follow these waste reduction and recycling tips to add some green to your Halloween!
Be Creative: When prepping for the holiday, create your own costume. Consider making your own costume from clothes and materials you already have. You can also visit a consignment shop or second-hand store if you’d like additional options.
Reuse: Last year’s costume was probably a hit, so reuse it this year! The same goes for decorations, which never go out of style.
Repurpose: Get creative when it comes to trick-or-treating. Utilize pillowcases, reusable tote bags, buckets or food storage containers to collect candy.
Recycle those candy bags: While full-size, individual candy bars will make you the favorite neighbor, it’s not the most sustainable option. Buy your candy in bulk packaging and remember to recycle the plastic bags they come in at a local drop-off location that accepts plastic bags and wrap. You can find a plastic bag drop-off location in your community here. In case there are any leftover candies after the trick-or-treaters have come through (and hopefully there are!), the packaging the individual candies come in are not recyclable – send those straight to the trash can!
Composting: What do you do with your carved pumpkins once the holiday is done? We suggest you compost your pumpkins to help create rich, nutrient-dense soil. You’ll be thanking us come spring time!
Do you have any sustainable Halloween tips to share? We want to hear them — and see your photos — on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
And be sure to tag all of your recycling-themed social media posts with #BeRecycled!