NRG Receives A- Scores in Climate Change and Water Security from CDP

Originally published on NRG Energy Insights
We are proud to share that NRG has achieved A- scores in both the 2023 Climate Change and Water Security reports. These scores reinforce NRG’s industry leadership and surpass the North American regional average score of C for both reports.
CDP, a not-for-profit charity whose global disclosure system helps investors and companies manage their environmental impacts, recognized us for our exceptional governance, highlighting the importance of sustainability across NRG.
NRG accomplished this through our continued leadership in sustainability, including our company goals. Today, we are targeting a 50% reduction of our greenhouse gases by 2025 (based on a 2014 base year) and net-zero emissions by 2050. We have a strong commitment to these goals, as sustainability is a cornerstone to the development and evolution of our business.
Our sustainability team frequently engages with investors and other stakeholders, including trade organizations and environmental groups on NRG’s goals and progress. Our team’s success and sustainability excellence would not be possible without great collaboration from colleagues whose efficient operations, innovative products, and best-in-class customer service have enabled NRG to achieve this score.
It is the contributions and dedication of all NRG employees that make us proud to work together.
We look forward to telling more stories of our collective success.