The New Buzz About Business and CSR

May 12, 2010 1:46 PM ET

Alice Korngold's Blog

Key business lessons can come from unlikely places. One man found them by spending six years on a bench in his back yard.

Michael O'Malley, Ph.D. says that beehives are the "original sustainable enterprises" that go back millennia, and they have a lot to teach us. Based on his observations of a bee hive in his back yard, O'Malley wrote a book, "The Wisdom of the Bees," to share 25 lessons on "what the hive can teach business about leadership, efficiency, and growth." The author uses the bees and their industry as a delightful vehicle to convey a robust canon of principles for running a successful enterprise.

As a social psychologist, management consultant, and executive editor of Yale University Press, O'Malley has created a uniquely eclectic list of 25 lessons, demonstrating his appreciation of organizational development, corporate social responsibility, and design, for companies seeking to maximize profits.

For continuation, see here...

Korngold Consulting LLC assists corporations in building fully integrated, high-impact CSR strategies, including leadership development through nonprofit board service.  Korngold Consulting trains and places business executives on nonprofit boards, and consults to nonprofit boards and leaders to strengthen governance for financial and strategic success.