Logitech Teams Up with Girls Who Code, Supporting its Mission to Close the Gender Gap in Tech

Logitech Teams Up with Girls Who Code, Supporting its Mission to Close the Gend…
Creators and coders are the builders of our future and Girls Who Code works tirelessly to close the gender gap in technology and change the face of programmers. To help support this mission, Logitech has teamed up with Girls Who Code to provide girls with the necessary tools from Logitech’s Master Series as well as educational opportunities to pursue 21st century opportunities in STEM.
Inspiring a pipeline of future leaders, the global team for the Logitech Master Series is committed to helping young and aspiring girls discover a passion for engineering and creativity. Logitech’s Master Series has been designed with these changemakers in mind, and equipping girls with these tools will help them pave the way as technology becomes even more integrated into our daily lives.
Throughout the year Logitech will work closely with Girls Who Code to deliver a range of educational and career opportunities. Logitech will sponsor a Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program, host virtual sessions and events for students, provide internship opportunities, and more. To support Girls Who Code activities, Logitech will donate an amount measured on a portion of the global sales from every Master Series product sold, including MX Master 3, MX Keys and MX Anywhere 3, to Girls Who Code, supporting its ongoing programming and outreach efforts.