Legg Mason Among Holdings in New Goldman Sachs/JUST Capital ETF

As one of the companies in the top 50% of JUST Capital’s industry rankings, Legg Mason is included as a holding in the recently-launched Goldman Sachs JUST US Large Cap Equity Exchange-Traded Fund (NYSE:JUST).
In 2017, Legg Mason was named to the list of America’s 100 Most JUST Companies – an annual ranking by JUST Capital and Forbes, which ranks the largest publicly-traded corporations in the US on the issues Americans care most about, including worker pay and treatment, job creation, healthy products and communities and environmental impact, among others.
We are very proud of our 2017 JUST rankings – #73 overall and #3 among 30 Capital Markets companies – and that commitment to our mission of Investing to Improve Lives continues to guide our work on behalf of our shareholders, clients and employees.
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Legg Mason does not distribute the Goldman Sachs JUST US Large Cap Equity ETF. Mutual funds are sold by prospectus. For more information regarding the fund please contact your financial professional.
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© 2018 Legg Mason Investor Services, LLC, member FINRA, SIPC. Legg Mason Investor Services, LLC is a subsidiary of Legg Mason, Inc.
Goldman Sachs, JUST Capital, and Forbes are not affiliated with Legg Mason.