Gearing Up For A New Season of DermiNation

By Tracy Jensen May
Feb 9, 2012 10:00 AM ET

DermiNation Blog

Just last night, I signed up as a 2012 DetermiNation athlete. I signed up upon hearing the news of a beautiful soul passing away. This is a portion of what I put up on my DNation website. This is how I fight back.

I am registering this year as a DetermiNation athlete on a random Monday night when a woman I’ve never met passed away from cancer. Her name was Susan. I know her only through her blog, social media and mutual friends. All that I can see tonight is this: An outpouring of love and grief for a courageous woman and her family who fought hard. Respect for someone willing to share a very personal journey with the online community through her writing. And grief, over someone who made other people’s lives better, just by being here.

Today, two little boys lost their mother. I don’t need to have sat across a table from her in person for my heart to feel heavy over that.

In the note her husband posted today, he asked that we make a difference somewhere, anywhere, to someone.

So I’m going to run, and to continue to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. I’m going to pray that these dollars can save lives through prevention, education, research and advocacy. I’m going to hope that these dollars can make the difference for my favorite runner, Kristin, who continues to deal with unanswered questions.

I am going to run hard. Because honestly, I just don’t know what else to do. But at least it’s something.
