Gather the Family Around Cross-Curricular Learning

The research is clear: when families support student learning, kids earn higher grades, stay in school longer, and are more motivated. Making this reality come to life means focusing on the whole student across the spectrum of health, academics, and social skills.
As families focus on gratitude during the holiday season, keep learning connected with fun-filled family activities. Spanning disciplines and topics, the array of no cost dynamic digital resources from Discovery Education’s corporate and community partners not only help students keep learning alive, they also offer a fun way to get the family together.
Discover standards-aligned K-12 family learning content that open all-new avenues for students to uncover vital real-world knowledge, while equipping families with streamlined tools to maximize at-home learning during the holidays.
Health and Wellness: Being physically active not only is good for the body, it’s good for the mind. Research finds that fit kids have better academic outcomes. Learn more about healthy lifestyles and get the family moving together with a virtual field trip featuring NFL super stars from NFL Play 60.
Social and Emotional Learning: Holidays are a time to share love and thanks for all that’s good in life. Talking about emotions and learning emotional resiliency helps relationships, as well as improving school behavior, stress management, and better attitudes. Gather around a good meal to talk about emotional health with these activities from Discover Your Happy promoting meaningful interactions. Then, get honest with each other about how COVID-19 impacts each other with this perspective flipping activity from Soar with Wings. Family resources from Amazing Me, a program developed in partnership with the Dove Self-Esteem project, provide engaging activities to start meaningful conversations that will have a lasting impact on the road to teaching students to appreciate their awesome selves!
Financial Literacy: While holiday shopping season isn’t usually considered educational – outside of cautionary online videos of Black Friday gone wrong – it’s actually a perfect case study to teach students about fundamental economics and financial literacy concepts in a way that they can appreciate. Get students thinking proactively about ways they can earn, save, spend, and donate during the holiday season and beyond with family activities from Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids. Then, set your sights on the future of financial success with inspiring family discussions about planning through resources from Pathway to Financial Success.
STEM Learning: No matter where learning takes place or where you live, the world needs young solution seekers passionate about problem solving. Prepare kids for the fast-changing world by turning the living room into a science lab with home science experiments from Young Scientist Lab. Connect school to the bigger world by discovering the infinite possibilities of STEM professions from the STEM Careers Coalition.
Celebrate a new approach to at-home learning this year with versatile family resources designed for learning environments of every kind. You can spark more mind-blowing family fun over the holidays by exploring additional resources on the Discovery Education Experience platform.