First Webinar in Chinese on Smelter Verification for Conflict Minerals

Exclusive Chinese Webinar Release: Smelter Verification for Conflict Minerals
The Democratic Republic of Congo’s four main “conflict minerals,” are tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold. These precious resources are exported to international companies, in particular Chinese smelters and refiners, to become part of a global supply chain for a multitude of products. The Dodd Frank Section 1502 conflict minerals regulation is the first of its kind to break ties of armed groups mining in the DRC, and preventing the sell of conflict minerals. While the regulation requires U.S. companies to trace the source of minerals in their supply chain, the conflict minerals regulation has also initiated due diligence obligations for Chinese companies.
China, ranking number one in global exports and home to a significant amount of the world’s smelters, has many companies that are subject to this regulation if they supply gold, tin, tungsten or tantalum to U.S. publicly traded companies. In this case, both U.S. and Chinese companies are required to provide information on the minerals country of origin.
The Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) is the main standardized tool that assists companies with the transfer of information of smelters and mineral country of origin throughout the supply chain. Several notable changes have been made to the newest CMRT version 3.02 released in early November. There has been an unprecedented demand from Chinese companies for more information regarding the CMRT update and changes to the Standard Smelter List. Specifically, Chinese companies have requested for the Smelter Verification for Conflict Minerals Webinar to be translated to Chinese, an indicator of Chinese market impact. In response, Source Intelligence’s bilingual expert on smelter verification will be presenting the first ever Chinese webinar for Smelter Verification on December 3, 6 pm PST/December 4, 2014 10 am China. For more information, please join this unique Smelter Verification for Conflict Minerals Webinar in Chinese.
Webinar: Smelter Verification for Conflict Minerals, A Guide to Understanding the Facts in Chinese
Date/Time: Dec. 4, 2014 at 10:00 am China
Source Intelligence® Contact:
Lina Ramos, Chief Business Officer
(877) 916 6337 ext. 1017