Fifty-One Youth Leaders Selected To Represent All 50 States As Stem Learning Ambassadors
STEM Next Opportunity Fund’s youth ambassador program gives young leaders the skills to advance the national conversation about STEM learning in afterschool

STEM Next Opportunity Fund’s Million Girls Moonshot initiative announced its third cohort of the Flight Crew - a youth ambassador program that is advancing equity for girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
The Flight Crew elevates youth voices to inspire more young people to become future STEM leaders. The group embodies the spirit of the Million Girls Moonshot, a STEM equity initiative to engage millions more girls in afterschool and summer STEM learning opportunities by 2025.
“The Flight Crew has been instrumental to advancing equity in STEM for all youth at the state and national levels,” said Teresa Drew, deputy director of STEM Next and director of the Million Girls Moonshot. “We have seen thousands of young people inspired to build their confidence and skills with STEM, thanks to the youth voices of the Flight Crew leaders. These ambassadors have also made a compelling impact on policymakers and other leaders to consider the significant role of afterschool STEM learning in removing barriers to learning for millions of youth across the country.”
The 2024 Flight Crew cohort includes 51 youth, ages 13-18, from all 50 states. These diverse youth were selected to share their influential STEM experiences in afterschool and summer programs that have helped them solve challenges in their communities, as well as transform their own understanding of what is possible. The Flight Crew will share their testimonies to encourage other youth to get involved, break down stereotypes, and stay curious about STEM.