Environmental Leader: Chevrolet Clean Energy Campus Campaign a ‘Top Project of the Year’
Chevy's innovative campaign to help further colleges' energy efficiency efforts earns top honors

Chevrolet received the Top Project of the Year Award in the third annual Environmental Leader Product and Project Awards for efforts to help U.S. colleges further reduce their carbon footprint.
The Chevrolet Clean Energy Campus Campaign engaged hundreds of stakeholders spanning the education, energy, carbon, auditing, and nonprofit sectors to develop a way for campuses to draw on a new source of funding – carbon credits from the voluntary carbon market – to help further their large-scale energy efficiency efforts.
“We had more entries than ever this year, and competition was tough,” said Paul Nastu, publisher of Environmental Leader. “The winners showed innovation and the ability to help transform the fields of energy and sustainability management.”
The annual competition, presided over by a panel of independent judges, seeks corporate projects that improve environmental management and increase the bottom line.
Evaluating Chevy’s project, one judge said, “Good scope, good target industry, and nice focus on carbon load.”
Another commented, “It’s a nice way of leveraging the expertise of college academic brainpower and allows colleges to apply funds received toward other energy-saving or similar projects that they might not otherwise be able to afford.”
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Center for Corporate Climate Leadership recently recognized the Chevrolet Clean Energy Campus Campaign with a Climate Leadership Award for Innovative Partnerships. Last week, Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace announced Chevrolet was the largest corporate buyer of voluntary carbon credits in the United States by volume from 2012 to 2013.
We’re proud to be among this year’s Product & Project Award winners. Last year, General Motors won for driving a global movement for zero waste.
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