Enbridge: Corporate Citizenship

Oct 5, 2021 10:00 AM ET

Originally published in Enbridge's 2020 Sustainability Report

As an employer with team members across North America, and an operator of linear infrastructure that runs through thousands of communities, we place high priority on the role we can play in contributing to their safety, vibrancy and sustainability. It’s important to us that we help these communities build resilience—to become stronger in the face of the unique physical, social and economic challenges before them.

Our goal is not just to give, but to enable. We focus on collaboration with communities, Indigenous groups and partners to identify and develop opportunities that strengthen community partnerships, support networks and foster constructive relationships. We champion initiatives that provide both societal and business value.

In January 2021, we launched a new program—Fueling Futures—which unifies our approach to corporate citizenship and the ways we energize communities. The focus of Fueling Futures is on supporting donations, partnerships, sponsorships and employee volunteering and giving in three areas:

  • Safe communities—supporting local safety initiatives and organizations that help make our communities safer places to live, including the Safe Community First Responder Grant Program, safety planning and education, and humanitarian aid.
  • Vibrant communities—supporting programs and projects that are inclusive, future-thinking and bring out the best in people, such as those that build potential in youth, celebrate culture and community, and honor Indigenous peoples and cultures.
  • Sustainable communities—supporting sustainability projects that help improve, grow and nurture our environment, such as those that focus on environmental education, habitat conservation and remediation, and supporting the energy transition.

Our 2020 investments
We invested $25.2 million1 in 2,239 community-strengthening initiatives across North America in 2020. See above for the breakdown across our pillars and priorities. See, as well, our interactive community investment map for a sampling of these investments.

Read Enbridge's full 2020 Sustainability Report