D&I Weekly News Round-Up: Mental Health, Inclusion and More

Christine vs. Work is a great YouTube series from HBR. In this episode, Christine discusses hybrid meetings and how to make sure everyone is being included. Please watch!
The end of the year is usually the time when companies do performance reviews. This is a good article with some tips on how leaders can create a more inclusive workplace through improving performance feedback.
Mental Health
According to a new study, Millennial managers are significantly more likely to experience burnout than people managers of other generations. So what are the reasons – and how can employers support? Read more here.
Black Women in STEM
US space agency NASA just announced a new member of the upcoming SpaceX Crew-4 mission scheduled to launch in April - Jessica Watkins. Watkins was selected as an astronaut candidate in 2017, and she will be the first Black woman on the International Space Station crew.