Deadline Extended for Hefty® EnergyBag™ Program Grant Application

The deadline to apply for the Hefty®EnergyBag™ grant program, an innovative plastics recycling program, has been extended to 5:00 pm (EST) on Friday, Sept. 15, 2017. Ideal candidates have a strong passion to consistently improve their community, close ties to local organizations and access to a nearby recycling center.
The grant application is open to municipalities, nonprofits, materials recovery facilities and other qualifying organizations. Dow will provide grant recipients with the blueprint to develop a successful Hefty® EnergyBag™ program and will facilitate planning and implementation. Recipients will ultimately manage the programs and solicit involvement of key community stakeholders.
Grant winners will receive guidance from Dow and $50,000 to implement the program in their community.
Click here for more information about the program.