HP 2014 Living Progress Report

Since 1957, corporate citizenship has helped guide how HP does business. Today, everything we do seeks to address societal challenges in ways that benefit our company while also delivering wider human, economic, and environmental value.
This approach is rooted in Living Progress, our framework for thinking about how we do business. Launched in 2013, Living Progress inspires us to find transformative solutions that both address some of the world’s toughest challenges and create new market opportunities for HP. This wholly integrated approach means that we consider human, economic, and environmental impact as we develop products, services, and solutions, manage our operations, and interact with our customers, partners, and communities. Living Progress informs everything we do and how we do it.
Our goal is to create a better future for everyone through our actions and innovations. For examples of how we are achieving this across our value chain, see our 2014 Living Progress Report.