GSC 17 Weeks for 17 SDGs Initiative

In Fall 2015, 193 world leaders committed to the United Nation's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the center to end poverty; promote prosperity and well-being for all; and protect the environment and address climate change.
Covering a broad scope of social, environmental and economic challenges, these SDGs, which took effect on January 1, 2016, present a historic and unprecedented opportunity for all countries (developed and developing) and organizations (public, private and third sector) to come together to improve people's lives by stimulating action over the next fifteen years in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet — dubbed the “Five P’s”: PEOPLE - PLANET - PROSPERITY - PEACE - PARTNERSHIP.
In support of the UN 2030 Agenda, Global Sourcing Council has developed the "17 Weeks/17 SDGs" Initiative to help businesses translate these aspirational global goals into action. The goal of the initiative is to highlight the importance of implementing the SDGs into a business strategy. Companies, partners and our stakeholders use our platform to communicate their sustainable development commitment, experiences, goals and stories focused on one SDG per week.
Global Sourcing Council's 17/17 aims to:
- Inform and engage the global business community in the 2030 Agenda;
- Provide global visibility for businesses embracing SDGs in their business strategies; and
- Share best practices of SDG-embracing leaders to inspire others.
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