Ecolab Experts on Microbes

Microorganisms come in varying shapes and sizes, from very small virus particles to larger yeasts and molds. Many can be beneficial, but some can spoil food, taint water systems and contaminate equipment resulting in inefficiencies.
Pathogens present a more serious microbial risk since they are hazardous microorganisms with the potential to cause disease in humans and/or animals, resulting in food safety and public health concerns. Valid preventive controls are needed to manage possible issues with pathogens. Ecolab brings you in-depth technical information about a number of pathogens to acquaint you with these risks, their transmission routes and how they can be controlled.
Ecolab is committed to providing you with the latest public health news and resources. Whether you need detailed information about specific organisms of concern, cleaning product advice, or tips for increasing food safety and preventing infection in your facility, we are your trusted source.
View our Microbial Risk resources