The Earth Month 2012 GOODIE Awards
In honour of Earth Month 2012, Branding for Good has nominated 9 businesses in Ontario Canada for the very first GOODIE Awards. We hosted an installation exhibit to raise awareness of all the good these companies are doing for their communities and for themselves. Get the word out and vote for your favourite story.
See Nomination page for an overview of all 9 businesses - vote for all the stories you like!! The business with the most votes wins a CSR writing package worth $2,000.
The nominations are managed on the GOODIE Awards platform - an online platform that helps promote positive CSR within corporate communities. Companies can host their own nomination platform and create authentic network opportunities by celebrating the good initiatives of other companies.
GOODIE Awards is perfect for…- Organizations expanding and developing a positive brand reputation in new territories
- Internal awareness campaign for a company’s many philanthropic initiatives
- Multinational divisions competing for matching funds for their local initiatives
- Networking organizations (BIA’s, Chambers of Commerce) looking for a fun way to engage membership
- Any governmental body looking to showcase local companies doing good work in the areas of leadership, environmental stewardship and community involvement
- Any College or University business school looking for a fun way to engage their alumni