Brands Taking Stands Newsletter, 6/6/18

CR Becomes a “Must-Have” in Corporate Strategy
The Big Story
“The Big Story” in this week’s edition of the Brands Taking Stands Newsletter focuses on how stands taken on principle by a business that already has a purpose-driven mission doubles down on the perception that that company is “better” than one that just does business-as-usual. New research shows positive benefits for firms promoting values as well as products and services. “Companies that lead with Purpose will stand to build deeper bonds with existing consumers, expand the consumer base and enlist those brand advocates to share the brand message,” concludes the newly released 2018 Cone/Porter Novelli Purpose Study. Taking a stand on social issues adds to the values at play. “Any political or social stand that a company takes will be inevitably tied to its identity,” writes Art Kleiner, editor-in-chief of strategy + business. It’s a measure of the rapid growth of this movement that there so many top executives who are now tuned in because, as Kleiner concludes, “in the long run, they have no choice.”
News You Can Use
“Other “News You Can Use” stories in this week’s edition offer insights on how 1,800 companies and investors are joining together to fight climate change; how speaking out is the new normal for corporate leaders; and how corporate “goodness” programs are contributing to higher employee retention.
C-Suite Comments
“C-suite comments” features a statement on diversity by Bill Demichak, Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer, PNC Financial Services Group.
People on the Move
“People on the Move” reports on a new position at Sustainable Brands.
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