Arbor Day Foundation's Replanting Our Planet's Forests
The Conservation of These Forests Will Be Our Legacy for the Future.

Generations past cared for our forests, preserving them as our heritage. Like the biological network a forest needs to thrive, our network of tremendous people—spanning across the globe—helped guide that heritage towards a secure future this past year.
- 30 states and 33 countries involved this year
- 98 reforestation projects supported by members, donors, and partners alike
- 108 million trees planted worldwide since 1990
Our forests are woven into the fabric of our lives, providing the very necessities we need to not only survive but thrive — clean air, healthy drinking water, a tolerable climate, and so much more. But these majestic lands are threatened by insects, disease, and devastating wildfires. We are thankful for our dedicated Foundation members, corporate sponsors, and partners who continue to respond to the need for replanting.
This year, the Foundation planted more than 21 million trees in forests through partnerships with the U.S. Forest Service, the National Association of State Foresters, and international partners.
Some Reforestation work we support is ongoing, spanning several years due to the critical need for trees. One such project is in Oregon’s Willamette River Basin, home to two-thirds of the state’s population. The newly planted trees made possible by Foundation members and partners will not only protect the watershed supplying area residents with drinking water but also improve conditions in the waterways that endangered Chinook salmon rely on for spawning. And stronger populations of these salmon swimming back to the ocean mean a more stable food source for critically endangered Southern Resident orcas.
Our replanting efforts have also spread to every continent except Antarctica. A new partnership with Trees for the Future in Senegal is one example of this growth, as we work with farmers throughout the Fatick and Kaffrine regions to plant 1 million trees that will create forest gardens. A variety of fruit and nut trees are being planted to help restore native landscapes while improving food security and the livelihoods of families in rural communities.
The generosity of supporters and on-the-ground-partners has made it possible for our replanting efforts to continue year after year, revitalizing important forestland for generations to come.