American Cancer Society Staff Member Runs with a Purpose

Longing for the Day When We Can Ask the Question, “What was cancer?”
Feb 28, 2012 3:00 PM ET

DetermiNation Blog

I wanted to keep it short and simple this year, my list of people for whom I’m running in honor or memory on race day. With just 10 days to go before Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans and my third DetermiNation effort, I’m not certain short and simple is going to be possible.

As ever, cancer is all around us and it seems I learn at least once a week if not more often of someone I know whose life has been broken into two pieces: BC and AC (before cancer and after cancer). At the American Cancer Society we talk often about cancer being no respecter of persons. Cancer doesn’t care about your income, political affiliation, religious preference, sexual identity, gender, etc. One in every three people is going to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

We have to change the odds. You can help do that by supporting my marathon run. DetermiNation is the endurance event fund-raising program for the American Cancer Society. I work for the Society, I raise money for the Society because I long for the day when our children and grandchildren will be able to ask the question, “What was cancer?” If you would like to help reach that day, I’d appreciate a donation. Just click on my personal fund-raising page to get started.

On March 4, I will be running in honor or memory of:

  • Nancy, a dear friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer just before Christmas.
  • John, a colleague and friend whose cancer recurred last summer.
  • Jeffrey, a friend who is a 20-year brain cancer survivor who has had a recurrence
  • Emily, the mother of a colleague who was recently diagnosed with stage-four lung cancer
  • Michael, father of one of my DetermiNation teammates who lost his battle with cancer while we were running DetermiNation 2011
  • Bonnie, whom I’ve known almost since the day I moved to Knoxville and who has fought leukemia and lymphoma for much of her life
  • Marilyn, an amazing woman, strong volunteer and cancer advocate whose fight ended in December
  • Uncle Bob, who died of pancreatic cancer 20 years ago this summer

This list is bound to grow, but it begins here. May it be the beginning of cancer’s end as well.