Advanced Environmental Forensics in Emerging Contaminant Detection and Site Remediation
An Antea Group Webinar

May 13, 2024 /3BL/ - To set the stage for the forensic discussion, the presentation will briefly explore the characteristics of what defines an emerging contaminant and provide the current regulatory status of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), microplastics, produced water, and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs).
The presenters will discuss how the development of cutting-edge forensic techniques and methods around these emerging contaminants can be utilized to mitigate risk to the insurance industry. These advancements are crucial in assessing both historical and emerging environmental liabilities, providing comprehensive insights for effective environmental stewardship, risk management, and site remediation.
Join us Wednesday, May 29th at 1pm ET for our webinar, Advanced Environmental Forensics in Emerging Contaminant Detection and Site Remediation.
We hope to see you there!