AccountAbility Releases Additional Translations of the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles (AA1000AP, 2018) in French and Italian

NEW YORK/LONDON, January 19, 2021 /3BL Media/ – AccountAbility continues to expand global access to principles-based sustainability guidance by announcing today’s launch of the French and Italian translations of the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles (AA1000AP, 2018). These translations are now available for free download on AccountAbility’s website.
The AccountAbility Principles have been applied for over two decades by organizations of all sizes and across industry sectors to successfully identify, prioritize, and respond to sustainability challenges to improve their overall, long-term performance. The AA1000AP (2018) serves as the foundation of the AA1000 Series of Standards, and offers an informed update to the firm’s internationally accepted, principles-based approach to sustainability management for the 21st Century.
Today’s release of the French and Italian translations of the AA1000AP (2018) would not have been possible without AccountAbility’s generous translation sponsors and peer reviewers – who donated their time and expertise to advance the global accessibility of this critical sustainability guidance document.
The French version of the AA1000AP (2018) was translated and sponsored by the independent consulting firm Forethix. Regarding their role in the development of this French translation, Managing Director, Ms. Stéphanie Deltenre shared:
“The AA1000 AccountAbility Principles (2018) represent a real foundation to guide and support companies in their efforts to integrate sustainable development and corporate responsibility into the heart of their strategy.
Forethix is delighted to have contributed to the French translation of the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles (2018). With the mission of catalyzing performance in sustainability, Forethix finds it important to promote these standards across French-speaking countries in order to help organizations in the creation of long-term shared value.”
The Montreal-based consultancy EEM EHS Management also supported the development of the French AA1000AP (2018) translation, serving as a peer reviewer. Ms. Véronique Tousignant, Director of Administration and Partner, expressed:
“EEM EHS Management is pleased to contribute to the French translation of the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles. We are of the opinion that as organizations become increasingly focused on sustainability, a framework to guide the process – from identifying to responding to sustainability challenges, with the goal of improving long-term performance – is essential. As such, we participated to ensure that a French version of the AA1000AP (2018) that is consistent with the English version is available, with the hopes of extending its use in the francophone community.”
The Italian version of the AA1000AP (2018) was peer-reviewed by the business assurance division of DNV GL. Mr. Antonio Astone, Global Service Manager of Assurance and Supply Chain, stated regarding the firm’s role in the translation process:
“The growing importance of sustainability, demonstrated by the increasing involvement of new categories of stakeholders, requires up-to-date tools to improve disclosure. In this sense, continuously updating the accessibility of AccountAbility’s standards, through translations in local languages, is fundamental to allow wider use by organizations of recognized best practices.”
This translation announcement builds upon AccountAbility’s fall 2020 releases of German and Simplified Chinese, as well as Spanish, Portuguese, and Bahasa Indonesian, translations of the AA1000AP (2018).
The AccountAbility Principles and its translations may be downloaded at along with the latest versions of other standards in the AA1000 Series of Standards.
About AccountAbility
AccountAbility is a global consulting and standards firm that works with businesses, investors, governments, and multi-lateral organizations on ESG matters to achieve opportunities, advance responsible business practices, and transform their long-term performance. We focus on delivering practical, effective, and enduring results that enable our clients to succeed. Learn more at