Women, Money, Power, Politics: Leading the Environmental, Social, and Economic Charge

Guest Blog by Tara Holmes, Communications and Marketing Manager, Future 500
Oct 30, 2014 9:00 AM ET
Campaign: CSR Blogs


More and more, across ethnic, racial, class, and geographic divides, it’s clear that women are playing the driving role influencing social, economic, and environmental policy. This role comes as no surprise as globally, according to the UN, women are most directly impacted by a changing climate and therefore have more at stake, and more to lose. 

Women are driving this movement on numerous fronts, many of which are undervalued and unaccounted for. Across the world, women continue to play the predominant caretaker and provider, making the connection to the planet and natural resources that much more meaningful and tangible. When droughts overtake a region, or when catastrophic flooding sweeps away livelihoods, the very fabric of a community is threatened—and who maintains the glue to these same communities? Women.

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Tara Holmes is the Communications and Marketing Manager at Future 500, a global nonprofit specializing in stakeholder engagement and building bridges between parties at odds—often corporations and NGOs, the political right and left, and others—to advance systemic solutions to urgent sustainability challenges.