What Goes in the Bin: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility

May 22, 2014 2:35 PM ET

Green by Nature Blog

You’re not sure whether you can put an item in the recycling bin? Many people put things in without knowing whether they’re recyclable. The result is that almost 17% of the contents of bins in Quebec are not recyclable.

Since 2005, 3,000 Quebec companies have started paying end-of-life fees for the products they market. For example, if a company produces plastic packaging, it now has to pay the amount it would cost to recycle it. The fee is calculated according to type and weight of product sold. Since 2013, companies have been footing 100% of the bill for municipal separate collection programs, without really knowing the details of this fee.

Read more about our suggestions for making recycling more economically, environmentally and socially effective.

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