Winning Through Wellness

As a matter of respect and concern for employees, Cascades Specialty Products Group (SPG) U.S. plants have been focusing on health initiatives for many years. Through health and wellness initiatives, the SPG plants have worked to increase employees’ knowledge and awareness of their health. For 2013, a new initiative was created called the 4-1-1, which stands for 4 tests, 1 goal and 1 healthy life. This initiative was SPG-wide in the United States.
Each plant developed a means to have employees measured using four tests: cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose, and body mass index. The plants competed for the highest test participation rates. Congratulations to Cascades-Sonoco Birmingham for having the highest 4-1-1 participation rate for 2013! Birmingham had 89% participation from its employees, including 100% participation from second shift! The plant will receive a healthy meal cooking class. The next step in the 4-1-1 project is to take the results the plants received and work on improving them. Plants will analyze their results and decide where to focus on improving, and come up with ideas and new initiatives to improve those numbers. The plants will then conduct another round of tests… this time competing for the title of “most-improved plant”!