Runaway School Bus Rescued by Real-World Heroes!

May 25, 2012 6:30 PM ET
Campaign: Acting Responsibly
Verizon technicians Ken Gallo, Allan LeFevre and Victor LaPointe standing in front of the truck that they used to help them stop a “runaway” school bus as Saranac, NY.

Originally Published on the Plattsburgh, NY Press Republican

Smart thinking and quick moves prevented a potential disaster in Saranac, N.Y. as a bus driver carrying 25 school children suddenly turned ill and was unable to drive.

Verizon field technicians Ken Gallo and Allan LeFevre were heading to their next job, driving behind school bus #196, when they watched with growing alarm as the bus swerved in increasing arcs across the road. They maneuvered their bucket truck to pull up next to the open driver's window and saw the driver was unresponsive and that a student was driving.

They immediately took action, calling 911 and instructing the student to turn the key to shut off the engine. As the bus slowed down, Allan positioned the Verizon truck in front of it in case they couldn't stop. At the same time, Ken jumped onto the moving bus and maneuvered it safely off the road. A third technician, Victor LaPointe, was driving behind the bucket truck and helped the students off the bus and onto another bus that had arrived. Victor also directed traffic until emergency services arrived.

A scary situation for a busload of students could have turned from bad to worse had it not been for one brave student and three Verizon technicians. No students were harmed and the bus driver, who was taken to a nearby Medical Center, is doing well.

"None of us want to be recognized," said LeFevre, who reluctantly shared their story. Well, we think what Ken, Allan and Victor did is worthy of recognition! Thanks guys for being quick on your feet and behind the wheel, and caring for our community.

Read the full story in the Plattsburgh, N.Y. Press Republican.