Conserving Through the Cold Winter Months

Ready for Winter? Some conservation tips from @GreenKey_Global
Oct 18, 2016 10:30 AM ET

Conserving Through the Cold Winter Months

Last month, The Weather Network shared their Winter Preview for the upcoming season, and while we were spoiled with a mild winter last year, the prediction is that we will experience a more “traditional winter” this season. 

Winter can be beautiful and tons of fun, but it also means icy roads, snow storms, and high heating and electrical bills.  Things no business looks forward too.  That said, there are many “quick fixes” you and your property can do to help conserve, and keep those costs under control:

  • Work with your housekeeping team.  The little things they can do to help will make a difference on the bottom line.  Things like re-setting thermostats, making sure the curtains are open and sunlight is entering the room (on sunny winter days of course!), turning off lights, and reporting any water leaks they find will be of great help.
  • Turn off unneeded lights in offices and public spaces.  We understand lighting is important – but if it is not 100% necessary (i.e. lighting a corner of your lobby); turn it off. 
  • Do you leave the doors of your loading docks open too long?  You might, especially if you are expecting a number of shipments in a day.  Open those doors only when necessary to avoid letting too much heat out.
  • Change the temperature settings in office and public spaces.  According to Powerline Plus Ltd, “A general rule of thumb, turn down your thermostat to levels you are comfortable with. For every degree you lower, your heating costs can be reduced by 3 percent. When your thermostat is properly set, you can reduce heating by up to 10 per cent.”

Most importantly, talk to your utility providers.  They will be able to review your historical data, make recommendations on how and where else you can conserve and save.  They will also be able to have a conversation with you to see if you qualify for any incentive programs, and other energy-related questions.