Check out our ‘Score Your Shopping Cart’ quiz

Do Your Purchases Reflect Your Values on Climate Change?
Jul 15, 2011 12:00 PM ET

Climate Counts Newsletter

To help you with all your summer purchases—from food and drinks for your picnic and barbeque to airlines and hotels for summer vacations—we launched our ‘Score Your Shopping Cart’ quiz on Facebook!

This quiz takes you through a few products you use most and shows how your purchases reflect your values on climate change. Take the quiz and then share your results with your friends to see how they match up!

Good news for climate change: a new study by Yale and George Mason University, “Americans’ Actions to Conserve Energy, Reduce Waste, and Limit Global Warming in May 2011” found that Americans are taking increased action to support companies committed to fighting global warming.

The key takeaway? “44 percent of Americans say that they have rewarded companies that are taking steps to reduce global warming by buying their products; an increase of 11 percent since June 2010.”   Are you one of this 44%? Then, use our website to send messages to companies urging them to get serious about climate change.   Thanks for voting with your dollars!   Enjoy your summer, Climate Counts Team   CC15340