Can Sponsored Content be Meaningful?

By Nandika Madgavkar, Head of Global Integrated Communications + Brand Strategy for MetLife Foundation
Aug 21, 2015 9:15 AM ET


As many of you know, corporate foundations, are always looking for ways and means to share insights into their strategy, talk about their NGO partnerships, and highlight the potential impact of their giving. But how do we do that effectively? Well, one way is to explore the option of building meaningful sponsored content. Meaningful is the operative word.

I had the privilege of building a very interesting media partnership with the WSJ. Custom Studios to promote financial inclusion, a strategic focus for MetLife Foundation. There were many elements to the partnership - a Financial Inclusion Challenge, managed by The Wall Street Journal and sponsored by MetLife Foundation, a multi-media platform rich with content sourced from industry thought-leaders, and most importantly widespread use of video and infographics to make the experience as engaging as possible for the readers.

The August issue of  the Association of National Advertisers [ANA], cites the Foundation's sponsored content program, Multipliers of Prosperity, as an example of how companies are willing to experiment and expand their marketing strategy to include increasing amounts of native advertising and custom content. 

According to a recent ANA survey, the main benefit of native advertising is its ability to create relevant associations between the brand and the consumer. Having seen the success of our program, I would have to agree with that hypothesis! WSJ. Custom Studios has identified five trends that will shape the direction of native advertising and custom content in 2015 and beyond. Would you like to learn what those trends are? Click here:

Enjoy the read!