
#ClimateActionCA is a campaign launched by CBSR to encourage Canadian businesses to share their climate protection commitments. Tweet #ClimateActionCA and submit online for a chance to be officially featured at the Climate Summit.
With the Climate Summit of the Americas (July 7-9) in Toronto and the UN COP 21 Climate Conference soon approaching, we challenge citizens to ask companies for their plans, for companies to share their climate commitments & achievements, and for other companies to nominate their peers.
BUSINESSES - Share your storyGovernments need business collaboration to address climate change and make bold commitments in the upcoming Climate Conferences. This is the year to do it.
Share your commitments. What are some tangible actions or plans of your company?
@(Citizen) We have reduced our GHG emissions by 25% over the last two years. Find out more here. #ClimateActionCA
Encourage others. Ask your fellow peers to share their climate action plans.
We’ve created a closed loop for our packaging. What is @(PeerCompany) doing to address consumer waste?
CITIZENS - Call out local businessesYou’re concerned about climate change - you’ve invested in green energy, switched to sustainable transport, and considered environmental concerns when purchasing products. Now it’s time to hear from Canadian businesses.
Share local stories. Help us uncover local business climate actions.
@(LocalBrewer) uses sustainable technology and composts their spent grains. Small CDN biz taking big steps on climate #ClimateActionCA
Call out your favourite brands. Ask Canadian businesses about their climate change commitments.
Hey @(Company) What are you doing to address climate change? Share your leadership in climate protection #ClimateActionCA
Why #ClimateActionCA?As part of our mandate to promote corporate and environmental sustainability, CBSR aims to engage businesses in developing Canada’s stance on climate change as momentum builds towards this year’s Climate Summit of The Americas in Toronto and the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP 21).
We are taking action to build consensus among businesses about their role in addressing climate change, with the ultimate goal of giving Canadian policy influencers corporate buy-in and a common ground from which to work with other countries, in order to make COP21 a success.