Yikes, Inc. Gets $10,000 to Continue Work on Bias-Busting WordPress Plugin
Level Playing Field is a website add-on that lets companies anonymize their candidate data. An award from PNC Bank will help get the product to the finish line.
May 24, 2018 11:20 AM ET

This article originally published by Technically Philly
Pit two identical, fictitious resumes against each other and hiring managers are likely to offer “John” more money than “Jennifer.”
Backed by $10,000 from the PNC LGBT Business Award, Fishtown-based dev shop Yikes, Inc. is hoping to change that via a bias-busting WordPressplugin called Level Playing Field (LPF).
Yikes cofounder Tracy Levesque — who co-owns the company alongside wife Mia Levesque — said the plugin will help hiring managers take a look at anonymized candidate data, stripped of gender, age and other information, in the hopes of making the process leading up to interviews as free as possible of unconscious bias.