Viacom and NYC Service Help the Disadvantaged Pack for College
by Jillian Baker

Originally published on Blog.Viacom
On Monday, June 11, Viacom interns and employees gathered in a pop music-filled conference room at the company’s Times Square headquarters. They had come to join Viacommunity – Viacom’s social-responsibility arm – to assemble duffle bags full of towels, sheet sets, laundry bags, comforters, backpacks and other items for disadvantaged college-bound students.
The two-hour event was part of Project Move-In Day, a collaboration between the Mayor’s Office of New York City’s NYC Service program, the New York City Department of Homeless Services (DHS), and corporations such as Viacom that aims to provide 150 homeless or disadvantaged students with a packaged bag of dorm necessities at a summer send-off reception honoring their hard work and dedication.
Kylie Balogh and Gina Yoo from NYC Service led off the event by screening an inspirational video featuring a permanently wheelchair-bound girl expecting to attend college. She lives with her brother and grandmother in a shelter. In spite of all these challenges, she spoke in the most optimistic and engaging way, praising this organization and its support for her aspirations. She was certain that she would succeed. She is just one of hundreds of young individuals striving for greatness through DHS’ Future Leader Program. These teens may need assistance in getting from point A to point B, but, from the way this young woman spoke there seemed to be little doubt that once they arrived, they will achieve something special.
The volunteers, who came from two of Viacom’s New York City offices, worked with speed and efficiency, some focusing solely on packing or card writing, and others creating their own package from start to finish. The handwritten cards included supportive notes of praise and advice, emphasizing that these teens deserved this chance and predicting that they will do great things. A pizza party followed.
One of the many things that makes Viacom stand out as an employer is that it continually supports those in need while creating enjoyable experiences for volunteers who want to be part of those efforts. This bag-assembly event – part of Viacommunity’s year-round All Good, All Year initiative, which provides monthly employee volunteer opportunities – was a huge success. All participants seemed genuinely thrilled to be there and it generated the perfect opportunity for new hires and interns to get acquainted with one another and with Viacom’s philanthropic efforts.