Sacramento Republic Services Driver Saves A Life

In late June, Republic Services’ Sacramento collection truck driver Kevin Pugh saw something that caught his eye that would ultimately lead to saving a stranger’s life.
While waiting at a red light on the corner of Antelope and Walerga in Sacramento, CA, Kevin saw another car slowly roll through an intersection. The man inside the car seemed to be unconscious. After his light turned green, Kevin safely pulled over and hurried to the vehicle, which had come to a stop.
Knowing that every second counts in these situations, Kevin checked for a pulse, but found none. While an onlooker called 911, Kevin proceeded to give the man CPR compressions while an ambulance rushed to the scene. Another bystander helped direct traffic, as this lifesaving effort unfolded in the middle of the street.
Days later, Republic Services received a phone call from the man’s family. After 45 minutes of CPR and multiple shocks at the hospital, the man survived and was resting at home.
The survivor’s wife told Republic’s Sacramento general manager, “The doctor told me that if it weren’t for Kevin performing CPR, my husband would not be here today. We are so blessed and thanking the Lord every day. Kevin is my husband’s guardian angel.”
Kevin Pugh drives a commercial front-load recycling truck for Republic Services. He has been with Republic for more than eight years. He is happily married with four children.