Resourcefulness in Evolving Global Solutions: Bi-Annual Meeting Insights From 2024

Inogen Alliance recently concluded our second bi-annual Associate meeting for 2023 in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. This meeting brought together our global experts and client teams for multiple days of discussion on technical challenges and innovations; collaborative business opportunities; centers of excellence for our different services; and most of all to build cooperation across the Alliance. It was jointly hosted by our Associates Antea Brasil and Greenco in Argentina.
We had the opportunity to discuss and reflect on trends that we are seeing consistently across the globe. Energy transition, biodiversity and indigenous community engagement were among our hot topics. As we discussed our impressions from across the globe, one of the main takeaways we had was the depth of understanding the Alliance can bring to multinational organizations that are facing environment, health and safety (EHS) or sustainability challenges across the globe. We are not a single large corporation or management consulting firm, but our values, practices and Alliance infrastructure bring a holistic, consistent and diverse set of consultants that work together as a global team on behalf of our clients. That ‘Inogen Alliance difference’ makes us better at solving local problems with a global perspective.
We acknowledged during the meeting that we have room to expand, grow and continue to build relationships with our clients and each other to address underlying EHS and sustainability challenges at a local level. Our model ensures that we have boots on the ground, ready to instill global knowledge and best practices through our services all with a local flair and cultural understanding.
Resourcefulness in local + global solutions
What also stood out in our bi-annual meeting is our adaptiveness. Our Associate country hosts gave presentations on their culture, food, social etiquette and working styles (and in this case a lesson on football). In Brazil, we learned that there is a concept of “Gambiarra” meaning flexibility, which seemed to apply to the Alliance as well. The example that was given was the flipflop brand Havaianas. Havaianas have managed to cater to multiple price points. In the grocery store, you can buy a pair for $6 US, and in a Havaiana store, you can buy a pair for $20 US with a slightly different design. (I could not tell the difference). Brazilians fit the need to the local requirements. In this case, it is around cost. Everyone gets flip-flops, but at the price and style they can afford.
An interesting parallel to global EHS and sustainability services. These concepts are not just present in local cultures, but they permeate throughout the global Alliance. We use our global and local knowledge to devise solutions that tackle the local challenges of our clients. We work with our partner clients to maximize whatever tools or budget they have to take steps towards meeting their goals. If a client wants to make progress towards their net zero goals we will find a way – whether it’s starting with the grocery store Havaianas or the high-end version, our creative consultants can get on the right route to find the right solution for our clients. We take pride in creating custom solutions tailored to the local situation and cultural nuances.
This became apparent in the resourcefulness during one of our meeting days. We had a technical issue in the room and lost all power and lights. Instead of stopping or missing a beat, our Associates all turned on their mobile phone lights and made light out of a dark situation – which quickly resolved. At the end of the day, our teams bring light, energy and resourcefulness to everyday local challenges.
Why local expertise in Latin America matters
With our bi-annual meeting happening in Brazil in the Latin America region, we took the opportunity to have several panel discussions on local and regional topics and challenges related to our clients and our industry. Inogen Alliance has broad local coverage and understanding of local regulations, governmental impacts, biodiversity, and cultural implications in the LATAM region.
Brazil is very complex in both the culture, physical landscape, and infrastructure. It is a diverse country which you can see in the large cities, as well as some smaller towns that are real proof of the diverse immigration you can see the influence of Germany, Portugal, Italy, France but also Japan, the Netherlands and other countless countries where the first generation of immigrants came from. With such a rich cultural heritage, it can be difficult to interpret and understand how things work in Brazil. Local regulations can be confusing since it can differ from one state to another. Brazil being a federative republic, companies must consider both federal and state legislation, as well as municipal in some cases. Portuguese is the main language of the country, with only 1% of the population that speaks English fluently. This can make it difficult for international companies to really understand the country since language can be an important barrier for foreigners to really understand the essence of Brazil. Our local consultants can help bridge these cultural nuances while doing business in Brazil.
Argentina has just gone through a major election and the country has elected a new candidate to government with specific tendencies. Currently, it is unclear how this election will impact businesses and environmental topics. The economy and inflation in the country have been going through major turns in recent years.
This current situation may change in the future (short or medium term) due to the new government of the country that will be taking office on December 10. The new government, according to the general policies announced, intends to deregulate markets, and reduce taxes (Federico Bordelois - Greenco S.A.).
In Colombia energy transition is one of the largest areas of focus with the government promoting environmental laws geared towards bringing opportunities for wind, solar, and hydrogen. Environmental law is evolving and will be more present by 2025, with areas of focus including biodiversity, forests, water availability and more.
The local understanding and lens is crucial to the success of businesses in Peru especially as it relates to local communities and indigenous cultures. For example they focus on understanding how transferring water impacts water availability for local populations.
Costa Rica
Two recent developments in Costa Rica will have large impacts on the business community. First, there are new financial reporting standards that includes sustainability reporting, which companies are required to incorporate into their business plans in order to obtain loans. Second the original water law from 1950 is being updated for the first time. Water management is an ever-pressing topic in Costa Rica, especially in the fast growing tourism sectors. It’s a critical component for the social aspect of these projects to avoid social conflict with communities. Our consultants are helping companies with planning process and design for forecast models for future generations.
In Mexico, some of the main challenges stem from a lack of laws with specific regulations which present as suggestions without specific requirements. The local government is undergoing changes so making any environmental or sustainability progress is difficult currently very difficult. Everything is at a standstill until new officials come in and set their own priorities and outlook. For the last 15 years many of the regulations have not changed.
All in all, Latin America is a growing region for many industries including food production and energy, and they are growing as a global supplier. The work done here is important to make sure Latin America is sustainable for future generations with a focus on biodiversity and indigenous community engagement. Our local consultants bring this local and cultural knowledge to all of our work in the region, furthering its sustainable future.
Inogen Alliance is a global network made up of dozens of independent local businesses and over 6,000 consultants around the world who can help make your project a success. Our Associates collaborate closely to serve multinational corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations, and we share knowledge and industry experience to provide the highest quality service to our clients. If you want to learn more about how you can work with Inogen Alliance, you can explore our Associates or Contact Us. Watch for more News & Blog updates here and follow us on LinkedIn.