Register Now: Social Fingerprint® Program and SA8000® Seminar in Shenzhen
Free seminar about about SAI’s Social Fingerprint® program and the SA8000® standard
SAI is conducting a seminar about SAI’s Social Fingerprint® program and the SA8000® standard. The seminar will also discuss the difficulties in the field of social compliance auditing, and possible solutions.
Social Fingerprint® is a program of ratings, training and tools developed by Social Accountability International (SAI). It has been designed to help companies measure and improve social performance, to learn how to develop and implement management systems to meet any international labor code, and to understand the 9 key categories in a labor compliance management system.
This seminar is offered at no cost. The program is applicable to multi-sector industries and highly suitable for:
Original equipment manufacturers
Industry groups
Social compliance and CSR professionals
Academic institutions/individuals
Financial/government institutions
Mr. Craig Moss, SAI Director of Corporate Programs and Training will deliver this seminar in Shenzhen, China, with support from SAI Lead Trainers Mike Lee and Shirley To. This seminar will be followed by a question and answer session from participants.
For more information, and to register, visit