Prioritizing a Greener Future

Originally Published by Arts Commons
Champions of the arts for the past two decades, Enbridge has prioritized the importance of enhancing the communities in which they operate, strengthening Calgary’s cultural institutions with their support. Sponsoring arts and culture is just one way that Enbridge has solidified their commitment to real change. In late 2020, they unveiled a comprehensive plan for progressive change within their company, including a goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 with an interim target to reduce emissions intensity 35% by 2030. To drive results and accountability, Enbridge linked the achievement of ESG goals to employee and executive compensation.
“Sustainability is integral to our ability to safely and reliably deliver the energy people need and want," said Al Monaco, President and Chief Executive Officer of Enbridge. "How well we perform as a steward of our environment, a safe operator of essential energy infrastructure, and as a diverse and inclusive employer is inextricably linked to our business success and our ability to create long-term value for all stakeholders. Our new commitments represent the next stage of our progression to ensure we are positioned to grow Enbridge sustainably for decades to come.”